in the basement

Also in the cellar, we believe that nature is rich enough to offer us the wines we love. Technology and oenology are used to prevent accidents, for example the regulation of fermentation temperatures. It all starts with obtaining ripe grapes in the vineyard. The estate's wines come exclusively from our grapes. By harvesting spread over 4 to 5 weeks, we optimize the maturity of the harvest. After a gentle and long pressing on a pneumatic press, the musts or juices are naturally clarified by static sedimentation, then slowly enter fermentation by the yeasts present on the skins of the grapes. The duration of alcoholic fermentation varies from 10 days to several months depending on the wine and the temperature.


The juices and the wines are the object of all the care and tasted regularly. During the winter, they take the time to mature in casks or vats, in contact with the fine lees of fermentation, they grow and begin their life, clarifying themselves thanks to the cold. Cloudy and milky, they become clear. Before the summer the wines are filtered on cellulose plates and bottled around July and even September for the most part.